Welcome to Pinnacle Park's Blog!

This blog aims to serve the people of Hooksett as place to collect their thoughts, memories and experiences related to Pinnacle Park.  Residents, keepers of the local history can record and preserve their memories of Pinnacle Park. This is a public offering to link the history, historical artifacts, local lore and memories into one cohesive place.

July 2017- My interest in Pinnacle Peak, and consequently in Pinnacle Park have developed from walking its length and breadth a few times a week with my aging ten-year-old Labrador, Electra. For several years now we have headed up to the top of the peak in rain, snow or sunshine to exercise and take our daily walk. Oftentimes I squeeze this essential hike in after a work day, just to get outside into nature.

Although I am not a native of Hooksett, NH my husband Steve Korzyniowski was born and raised here and by proxy my son Alexander is a fourth-generation resident of Hooksett. So, the sweetness and historical significance of this place interests me on many levels. I have discovered that although there are materials, books and lore about the park there doesn’t seem to be a cohesive place where these records are gathered. It is my hope that creating this blog will allow for some of the rich history and heritage of this landmark to be recorded and preserved for future generations.

Pinnacle Pond and Electra- July 2017


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